Latest News from: American Physical Society's Division of Fluid Dynamics

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Released: 8-Aug-2012 10:00 AM EDT
The Spin Racket: Ping-Pong Champs Are Intuitive Masters of Fluid Dynamics
American Physical Society's Division of Fluid Dynamics

Curve balls may help a pitcher strike out batters in baseball; and some nasty spin can make an opponent sweat to return a tennis serve. But more so than in any other ball game, in table tennis – where the ball is so light and so small –dedicated players must master the physics of spin.

Released: 27-Feb-2012 8:00 AM EST
Experts Available: Fluid Dynamics and Ship Experts Discuss the Science of the Costa Concordia
American Physical Society's Division of Fluid Dynamics

When the cruise liner Costa Concordia drew too close to shore near the Italian island of Giglio, a large rocky outcrop quickly sliced through the ship’s hull. While many questions about the dynamics at play during that disaster remain unanswered, two experts in the fields of fluid dynamics and marine architecture offer insights into the types of unseen forces unleashed during this unfortunate incident.
